- Participant at the USF Emerging Writers Conference, San Francisco, USA, April 12-13, 2016
- Reader at the Women of Letters program co-presented by Millay Colony, Joe’s Pub, New York City, March 9, 2016, 7pm
- Dhaka Book Launch for Olive Witch: a memoir (HarperCollins India) at EMK Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 7pm
- Speaker at the 2016 Jaipur Literary Festival, Jaipur, India, January 21-25, 2016
- Delhi Book Launch for Olive Witch: a memoir (HarperCollins India) at The Toddy Shop, New Delhi, India, Monday, January 18, 2016 at 6:30pm
- Participant at the 2015 Goa Literary Festival, Goa, India, Dec. 10-13, 2015
- Book Launch for the Lovers and the Leavers (HarperCollins UK) Rich Mix London, UK, December 5, 2015
- Reader for Transitions Bangladesh, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York City, November 19, 2015
- Reader at Adult Contemporary, Creative Time, New York City, October 15, 2015
- Book Party for the Lovers and the Leavers (HarperCollins India) New York City, August 8, 2015
- Reader at Bohubachan Poetry Reading (Livestream by SANM), Jamaica, Queens, NYC, April 26, 2015
- Reading from the Lovers and the Leavers, the New York Public Library, January 12, 2015
- Panelist at 2014 Hay Festival Dhaka, Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 22, 2014
- Book launch of the Lovers and the Leavers (Bengal Lights Books) Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 14, 2014
- Reader at Rumour Occasional House Readings, Unnameable Books, NYC, September 30, 2014
- Reader at Morsels on the Mic, Brooklyn, NYC, September 20, 2014
- Reader at Lit Crawl NYC for PEN America & Guernica, NYC, September 13, 2014
- Panelist for “Novelists and Research” Lecture, New York Public Library, July 17, 2014
- Reading and Slideshow, Huckleberry NYC, April 10, 2014
- Book Party for The Long Way Home, New York City, April 6, 2013
- Reader and Performer at Agore Poetica Cultural Show, Barcelona, Spain, 2006
- Podcast for Writers Block on KQED, November 23, 2005
- Wrote, directed, and starred in the performance of the play “On Losing Faith” at APAture, Fall 2002